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Run your site with Bauhub task management to easily track each and every issue, meet your deadlines and cut down on hours of phone calls.
Bauhub is meant for everyone working on your project. Easily control which part of the project they can access and what are their rights within it.
Unlimited storage to upload and share your files with your project members or even with outsiders. Regardless of the file format — anything goes.
Fill out your daily logs, covered works, site reports and meeting minutes. Each document is formatted and simply sign them in Bauhub.
Create personalised checklists for inspections, reporting and handovers and run them from any device, anywhere.
Forget those everlasting e-mail threads or stacks of paper and sign your documents in Bauhub instead. Control each step and get a clear overview of your processes.
No more Excel files and endless proofreading. Bauhub keeps an eye on each number, makes sure everything runs smoothly and you can approve or even sign your reports all in one place.
Download Bauhub mobile apps to access your project information on any mobile device anywhere you are.