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First things about users
Your profile data is used in different functionalites of Bauhub and keeping it correct, up-to-date helps other project users to better collaborate with you.
You access your profile by clicking on your initials in the upper right corner of Bauhub interface and selecting "Profile settings" from the dropdown. "My profile" tab holds your profile data and you can also upload your avatar, control how your profile data is used in project contacts and select your preferred user interface language.
Tab "Preferences & notifications" allows you to manage your notifactions and whether CAD-files are opened for viewing in Bauhub or not.
You access your profile by clicking on your initials in the upper right corner of Bauhub interface and selecting "Profile settings" from the dropdown. "My profile" tab holds your profile data and you can also upload your avatar, control how your profile data is used in project contacts and select your preferred user interface language.
Tab "Preferences & notifications" allows you to manage your notifactions and whether CAD-files are opened for viewing in Bauhub or not.